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== [[:Category:Skill Use Condition|Skill Use Conditions]] ==
== [[:Category:Skill Use Condition|Skill Use Conditions]] ==
{{SERVER}}/[ buy essay]<br>
{{:Category:Skill Use Condition}}
{{:Category:Skill Use Condition}}

Revision as of 23:29, 20 January 2010

Syntax Legends

Syntax format used in declarations of configuration options and commands.

Symbol Description
Bold Elements that the user must type exactly as shown.
< > Information that the user must specify.
( ) Required parameters.
[ ] Optional parameters.
| Means OR. This separates choices from which the user must choose only one.

Basic Value and Parameter Types

Parameters types that may appear in a configuration option's value or a command parameter.

Type Description
flag A number with special meaning on its current context. The list of meaningful values are always given.
boolean flag A type of flag with only two values: 1 to enable and 0 to disable.
number Any number. This can be a fractional value (separated by dot .) or an integer number.
percent A number from 1 to 100 that corresponds to a percent. Don't append a percent sign (%) unless otherwise specified.
seconds The time specified in seconds. Can be a fractional value (ex. 0.5).
string Any text string.

Equipment Slots

Equipment slot names used by Openkore.

List of equipment slots.
Name Description
topHead Upper head slot.
midHead Middle head slot.
lowHead Lower heads slot.
rightHand Right hand slot.
leftHand Left hand slot.
rightAcessory Right Acessory slot.
leftAcessory Left Acessory slot.
armor Armor slot.
robe Gaments slot.
shoes Footwear slot.
arrow Arrow or Bullet slot.

Message Domains

Message domains are names used to classify messages printed in the console.

For information about a certain messages that you see in your console, set the option showDomain in config.txt to 1, making Openkore display domains along with messages in the console.

List of known message domains:
Name Description
ai_attack Attack messages
ai_npcTalk NPC talk sequence messages.
attacked Monster attacks you.
attackedMiss Monster attacks you but misses.
attackMon You attack monster.
attackMonMiss You attack monster but misses.
connection Connection messages.
console Messages without defined group.
deal Deal messages.
drop Monster drop related messages.
emotion Emoticon messages.
exp Experience gained message.
equip Equipment switching message.
follow Follow messages.
guildchat Guild chat message.
guildnotice Guild notice message.
info Character information messages.
input User input messages.
inventory Inventory related messages.
list Actor's list message.
load Loading config files messages.
looter Attacking looter message.
map_event PvP/GvG mode messages.
npc NPC messages.
parseMsg_statuslook Changed status/equipment messages.
parseMsg/hairColor Hair color change message.
parseMsg/job Job change message.
parseMsg/upgrade Item upgrading message.
party Party/follow related message.
partychat Party chat messages.
pet Pet related messages.
plugins Plugin handle messages.
pm Received private messages.
pm/sent Sent private messages.
portals Portal existance messages.
portalRecord Recording of portals messages.
publicchat Public chat message.
refine Weapon refining messages.
route Routing/pathfinding messages.
route_teleport Route teleport messages.
schat GM broadcast messages.
selfSkill Skills used by yourself messages.
skill Skills not related to attack messages.
sold Items sold while vending messages.
startup Startup messages.
storage Storage item added/removed messages.
success Operation succeeded messages.
syntax Syntax check files messages.
teleport Teleporting messages.
useItem Items used by you messages.
useTeleport Attemp to use teleport messages.
waypoint Waypoint messages.
xkore X-Kore system messages.

The following is a list of debug domains:

  • ai
  • ai_attack
  • ai_autoCart
  • ai_makeItem
  • ai_move
  • ai_npcTalk
  • attackMonMiss
  • autoBreakTime
  • connection
  • d_sendPacket
  • debug
  • drop
  • equipAuto
  • guild
  • ipc
  • Item
  • monsterSkill
  • npc
  • packetParser
  • parseInput
  • parseMsg
  • parseMsg_comboDelay
  • parseMsg_damage
  • parseMsg_move
  • parseMsg_presence
  • parseMsg_presence/name
  • parseMsg_presence/player
  • parseMsg_presence/remote
  • parseMsg_statuslook
  • parseSendMsg
  • pet
  • route
  • route_teleport
  • sendPacket
  • sitAuto
  • skill
  • storage
  • useTeleport
  • vending


Sometimes equipment/item/monster names are different in each server, so Openkore have it's own database in tables folder for defaulting names. Changing the name from the files will affect your configuration.

Equipment Names

Openkore equipment name syntax:

# for normal equipments:
[BROKEN] [+<upgrade level>] (<item name>) [[<card name>[*<number>]] [<number of slots>]]

# for elemental weapons
[BROKEN][+<upgrade level>][VS|VVS|VVVS][Fire|Earth|Wind|Water](<item name>) 


  • If the equipment is not broken, omit the BROKEN part.
  • If the equipment is not upgraded, omit the +<upgrade level> part.
  • Use only the monster name for the card name, e.g. use Hydra for the Hydra Card.
  • If there is only one card of a certain type slotted on the equipment, omit the *<number> part.
  • If there are more than one type of cards compounded on the equipment, the <card name>*<number> pair should be colon-separated list. The list should be sorted alphabetically.
  • If the equipment is not slotted, omit the [<number of slots>] part.
  • So far configuration options using item names are not strict with case-sensitivity.
  • If you have the equipment, you can use console commands


  • For a +4 Cranial Mirror Shield, a Hard Padded Armor, a 3-slotted +5 Double Flammable Boned Saber, and a +6 Very Very Strong Wind Tsurugi, use:
+7 Mirror Shield [Thara Frog] [1]
Padded Armor [Pupa] [1]
+5 Saber [Skel Worker:Vadon*2] [3]
+6 VVS Wind Tsurugi

Item Names

Item names can be found at tables\items.txt, following this syntax:

<Item ID>#<item_name>#

In items.txt item names are separated with underscores (_), to use them in your configuration replace them with spaces.


  • Item's name is Mirror Shield.


  • So far configuration options using item names are not strict with case-sensitivity.
  • You can also get item's name by using console commands, like i, cart, storage.

Ground Spell Names

Ground spell names can be found at tables\spells.txt, following this syntax:

<Spell ID> <spell name>


  • Ground spell name: Safety Wall
126 Safety Wall


  • Ground spell names can also be found using console command spell while certain spells are active on the ground.

Map Names

Map names can be found at tables\maps.txt, following this syntax:

<map file name>#<map name>#

Openkore use just the first name of the map in it's configuration files.


  • Map name is Prontera
prontera.rsw#Prontera City#


Monster Names

Monster names can be found at tables\monsters.txt, following this syntax:

<monster ID> <monster name>


  • Monster name is Scorpion
1001 Scorpion


  • You can also find monster name using console command ml while certain monters are on screen.

Player Names

Player names can be found by using the console command pl while certain players are on screen.

Note. These are case-sensitive.

Skill Names

Skill names can be found at tables\skills.txt, following this syntax:

<skill ID> <skill alias> <skill name>


  • Skill name is Basic Skill
1 NV_BASIC Basic Skill


Status Names

Status names can be found at tables\skillsailments.txt, tables\skillslooks.txt, tables\skillsstate.txt, tables\skillsstatus.txt, following this syntax:

<skill status ID> <status name>


  • Status name is Poisoned
1 Poisoned


  • Status names can be found by using the console command s while certain status are active on you character.

NPC Conversation Codes

These codes are used for specifying NPC talk sequences or steps when using the Console Commands or the config.txt options. Each code is separated with a whitespace.

List of known NPC talk codes.
Code Description
c Continue talking to the NPC. This is the same as pressing the Next buttom.
r(<response #>) Send a response to the NPC. The response number is the index of the responses in the displayed response list . This is the same as selecting a response when you talk to an NPC.
w(<seconds>) Wait for the specified number of seconds before continuing to talk to the NPC.
d(<number>) Send a number to the NPC. Use this if the NPC asks you to enter an amount.
t=(<string>) Send a text to the NPC. Use this if the NPC asks you to enter some text.
s Go to sell list. This is the same as pressing the sell button when you talk to a buy/sell NPC.
b Go to the store list. This is the same as pressing the buy button when you talk to a buy/sell NPC.
b(<store item #>),(<amount>) Buy an item from the NPC. See similar buy. Note that the amount is not optional.
n Ends and cancel conversation with the NPC. This is the same as pressing the close or cancel button when talking to an NPC.
e Wait until the NPC says "Done talking". Use this after the s or b talk code when talking to a buy/sell NPC.
a=(<string>) Run a console command.
x Initiate NPC conversation.


  • Talk to NPC at the coordinates (63, 60), using the talk sequence: Next>Choose fourth response>Next>Choose first response>Next>Next>Choose first response>Next>End.
talknpc 63 60 c r3 c r0 c c r0 c n

Range Operators

Range operators provide flexibility in specifying values for some config.txt options by specifying ranges instead of exact values.

List of syntaxes for specifying ranges
Symbol Description
X Value is exactly equal to X.
X..Y Includes all numbers from X to Y.
X-Y Includes all numbers from X to Y.
> X Value is greater than X.
>= X Value is greater than or equal to X.
< X Value is less than X.
<= X Value is less than or equal to X.


  • Level is greater than 10
lvl > 10
  • Zenys is equal to 5000.
zeny 5000
  • Job level is between 10 and 15
jlvl 10..15

Self Conditions

Conditions about the character status/information.

These condition options are shared between the attackComboSlot, attackSkillSlot, buyAuto, doCommand, equipAuto, monsterSkill, partySkill, useSelf_item, and useSelf_skill configuration blocks.

  • whenWater - not working yet

Target Conditions

Monster Conditions

Conditions about the monster status/information.

These condition attributes are shared between the attackComboSlot, attackSkillSlot, equipAuto, and monsterSkill configuration blocks.

Player Conditions

Condition about player's status/information.

Currently, only the partySkill configuration block uses these conditions.

Skill Use Conditions

Conditions about skills.

These options are shared between the attackComboSlot, attackSkillSlot, monsterSkill, partySkill, and useSelf_skill configuration blocks.