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Poseidon is a counter-measure for nProtect GameGuard (HackShield).

Original game client (with HackShield) connected to Poseidon server provides data for OpenKore connected to real game server.
The RO server sends a packet to the client, and the client must response with an appropriate packet.
Servers like cRO, kRO, twRO and vRO use GameGuard.


Poseidon works like this
1. Poseidon sets up a fake RO server (let us call it PoseidonRO).
2. Poseidon sets up another server socket for communication with OpenKore.
3. OpenKore connects to Poseidon.
4. RO client connects to PoseidonRO.
5. Real RO server sends GameGuard query to OpenKore.
6. OpenKore sends GameGuard query to Poseidon.
7. Poseidon sends GameGuard query to RO client.
8. RO client sends a reply.
9. Poseidon sends reply to OpenKore.
10. OpenKore sends reply to real RO server.


Poseidon workflow.jpg


Ragnarok Client (Ragexe)

  1. Extract clientinfo.xml from you ragnarok client data.grf file (use GRF Editor [1])
    1. grfeditorextract.png
  2. rename it to poseidon.xml and place in ragnarok/data directory.
    1. renameposeidonxml.png
  3. Open poseidon.xml using any text editor (Recommended Notepad++[2]) and change address to your Poseidon server address ( or localhost for same computer). Change port to 6900. (These magic numbers are constants from src/Poseidon/poseidon.pl source.) Change 'display' to anything you want to distinguish between Poseidon connection and your original.
  4. If your clientinfo.xml has the 'domain' tag, change it to ip:port (ex:
    1. poseidonxmledit.png

Example of edited clientinfo:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>



  1. Make sure your server connection settings have gameGuard <number> (check tables/servers.txt and control/config.txt).
    1. serversgameguard.png
  2. Go to control/poseidon.txt and change server_type=Default to your server. (list available at src/Poseidon/servertypes.txt)
    1. poseidonservertype.png


  1. Start src/Poseidon/poseidon.pl or start-poseidon.exe, wait for message 'Poseidon initialized'.
  2. Start the ragexe and make it load the custom poseidon.xml:
    1. Regular client (twRO, cRO): ragexe.exe 1rag1 /account:poseidon.xml
    2. jRO client: Ragexe.exe 1rag1 -w -u:12345RO -p:be407f3a32e47d2b5cef6acb8f14724146a720cd /account:poseidon.xml
    3. kRO client: Ragexe.exe 1rag1 -t:DummyToken DummyUser G Ragnarok /account:poseidon.xml
    4. kRO Zero client: Ragexe.exe 1rag1 -t:DummyToken DummyUser G RagnarokZero /account:poseidon.xml
    5. vRO client: Ragexe.exe 1rag1 User=DummyUser Token=DummyToken BToken=DummyBToken /account:poseidon.xml
  3. Select Poseidon service (if prompted), input any login and password, select any character.
  4. You should appear in Novice Training Center and be able to see and talk with NPC (you will not be able to walk or do anything other than talking with NPC).
  5. Start OpenKore.

Advanced configuration

Poseidon server

Constants in poseidon.pl:

Host/port where ragnarok client will connect (Ragexe)
Host/port where poseidon clients will connect (OpenKore)

Command-line arguments

Tells poseidon where to find poseidon.txt
For instance: ./poseidon.pl --file=bar/foo/myfile.txt
Starts the Ragnarok Server (where the Ragnarok client will connect) at given address
Starts the Ragnarok Server (where the Ragnarok client will connect) at given port
Starts the Query Server (where openkore client will connect) at given address
Starts the Query Server (where openkore client will connect) at given port
Selects a server type (see src/Poseidon/servertypes.txt for available servertypes)
For instance: ./poseidon.pl --server_type=bRO_2016-11-08a
Interesting for developers, poseidon will now output some extra info

  • Notes
    • You can use any combination of those
    • If you provide ragnarokserver_ip, ragnarokserver_port, queryserver_ip, queryserver_port and server_type, no file will be loaded.
    • If neither file nor all the necessary command line arguments are given, poseidon will default to the default behavior of trying to load ../../control/poseidon.txt, ./control/poseidon.txt, or ./poseidon.txt -- in that order.
    • Command line arguments have priority over the configuration file. For instance, if you use --ragnarokserver_ip=<address>, the Ragnarok Server will be hosted at that address, not the one in the configuration file.
    • This feature is only available after PR #1273 (15 Oct 2017)

Poseidon client (OpenKore)

Options in config.txt:

poseidonServer, poseidonPort
Host/port of Poseidon server (QUERY_SERVER connection is Poseidon)


  • If game client protection detects OpenKore binaries, run Poseidon without binaries (install Perl) or on another (maybe virtual) machine.