NPC conversation codes

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NPC conversation codes are used to specify NPC talk sequences of steps (actions) to do.


Sequence consists of whitespace-separated codes. Each code is separated with a whitespace.

Code Description
c Continue talking to the NPC. This is the same as pressing the Next buttom.
r<response #> Send a response to the NPC. The response number is the index of the responses in the displayed response list . This is the same as selecting a response when you talk to an NPC.
r="Response Text" Send a response to the NPC. The response is the one which exactly matches the given text.
r~/regex/ Send a response to the NPC. The response is the first one which matches the given regular expression. For simple matches, this can be used to do partial, case-insensitive matches; for example, r~/storage/i will match Open Storage.
w<seconds> Wait for the specified number of seconds before continuing to talk to the NPC.
d<number> Send a number to the NPC. Use this if the NPC asks you to enter an amount.
t=<string> Send a text to the NPC. Use this if the NPC asks you to enter some text.
s Go to sell list. This is the same as pressing the sell button when you talk to a buy/sell NPC.
b Go to the store list. This is the same as pressing the buy button when you talk to a buy/sell NPC.
b<store item #>,<amount> Buy an item from the NPC. See similar buy. Note that the amount is not optional.
n Ends and cancel conversation with the NPC. This is the same as pressing the close or cancel button when talking to an NPC.
e Pretend like conversation was stopped (doesn't send anything additional). Use this after the s or b talk code when talking to a buy/sell NPC.
a=<string> Run a console command.
x Reinitiate NPC conversation. This is always prepended to talknpc sequence. Useful to perform multiple transaction with a single NPC.


There is no API for parsing or executing NPC sequences. It's encapsulated in Task::TalkNPC which handles the whole interaction with NPCs.

API for extending (introducing new codes) doesn't exist, but is possible to implement using hooks.


Talk to a NPC at the coordinates (63, 60), using the talk sequence: next; choose fourth response; next; choose first response; next; next; choose first response; next; end.

talknpc 63 60 c r3 c r0 c c r0 c n

Handling Randomized Response Lists


------ Responses (Kafra Employee) ------
#  Response
0  Save
1  Use Storage
2  Use Teleport Service
3  Rent a Pushcart
4  Check Other Information
5  Cancel
6  Cancel Chat

There are several ways to choose the "Use Storage" option:

  • r1
  • r="Use Storage"
  • r~/storage/

The last two methods will work regardless of the question order.

Handling Randomized Questions

Given a set of questions which may be asked in any order, a regular expression can be used to match the right answers.

Given the questions:

  • What swims in the sea? 0 Fish 1 Bird 2 Lizard
  • How many months are in the year? 0 10 1 12 2 100
  • What is the tenth month of the year? 0 July 1 February 2 October

The following conversation codes will pick the correct answers no matter what order the questions are asked in:

r~/Fish|12|October/ r~/Fish|12|October/ r~/Fish|12|October/


  • Dynamically detect whether autoTalkCont functionality is needed for a sequence, so form without "c"s can always be used?