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For console command, see timeouts.txt.

Self Conditions

timeout [<seconds>]
If this option is set, wait for the specified number of seconds before using the block again.

Console Command

timeout (<timeout key>) [<seconds>]
<timeout key>
- a timeout key name from timeouts.txt.
- the time in seconds.
Set a timeout.
Command Description
timeout <timeout key> Display the current value of specified key name.
timeout <timeout key> <seconds> Set a new value for the specified key name.

Parameter of the automacro eventMacros:

timeout <number>
  • timeout is an optional parameter.
  • timeout defines the time in seconds before this automacro can activate again after an activation.
  • If not used in the automacro the default value will be used, which is: 0.
  • Must have a numeric value.
automacro <automacro name> {
    <automacro conditions and parameters (and only them)>
    timeout 60
    call myMacro
macro myMacro {
    <macro instructions (and only them, as this is regular macro)>
    log This macro will only be called every 60 seconds