Category:EventMacro Conditions State: Difference between revisions

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=== Conditions ===
===== State =====


Latest revision as of 22:18, 3 July 2019


At this point, you can define macros and call them, typing 'eventMacro <macro name>' in OpenKore's console input.

Automacro is an automatic trigger for calling your macros, just like blocks in config.txt are automatic triggers for certain AI actions.

Automacro block consists of:

Automacro does not trigger if there is currently running macro in exclusive mode. Otherwise, automacro clears macro queue (which means that all currently running macros are stopped) before call.

The point of automacro is that you use them to check for certain conditions and call your macro when all conditions are fulfilled.

All possible conditions are listed on the category page.


  • Conditions are separated into 2 categories: state and event.
  • Most conditions set special variables when the automacro activates.
  • Most conditions accept variables in their code.
  • Each automacro can only have one event condition.
  • Most state conditions can be used more than once in each automacro.
  • Each condition will have it's detailed explanation below.
  • eventMacro has a modular condition system, each file inside eventMacro/Condition is a condition.
  • State conditions have a defined status of true or false.
  • An automacro will only activate when all of it's state conditions are true.