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;rodex mailbox
;rodex maillist
:Show ALL messages from ALL pages of rodex mail that you have already read in this rodex session.
:Show ALL messages from ALL pages of rodex mail that you have already read in this rodex session.

Revision as of 16:52, 25 August 2017

RODEX (Alt: Ragnarok Online Delivery Express) is a mail system built into the user interface of the client. It allows players to mail other players with text, items and zeny. RodEx Icon.png


rodex [<open|close|refresh|nextpage|maillist|read|getitems|getzeny|delete|write|cancel|settarget|settitle|setbody|setzeny|add|remove|itemslist|send>]


List all rodex subcommands

rodex open
Send request to open rodex mailbox.

rodex close
Your command to close rodex mailbox.

rodex list
List your first page of rodex mail.

rodex nextpage
Request and get the next page of rodex mail.

rodex maillist
Show ALL messages from ALL pages of rodex mail that you have already read in this rodex session.

rodex refresh
Send request to refresh and update rodex mailbox.

rodex read <mail id>
<mail id> - id of mail (number integer).
Open the selected Rodex mail.

rodex getitems
Request ang get items of current rodex mail

rodex getzeny
Request and get zeny of current rodex mail

rodex write <player name>
<player name> - name of player that you want to send a rodex message.
Open a box to start write a rodex mail.

rodex settarget <player name>
<player name> - name of player that you want to send a rodex message.
Set target of rodex mail

rodex itemslist
Show current list of items in mail box that you are writting

rodex settitle <title>
<title> - title of rodex mail.
Set current title of rodex mail

rodex setbody <body>
<body> - text of rodex mail body.
set rodex mail body.

rodex setzeny <zeny amount>
<zeny amount> - zeny amount that you want to send in rodex mail.
set zeny amount in rodex mail.

rodex add <index item> <amount>
<index item> - number of item index in inventory (number integer) to get inventory index type console command i
<amount> - amount that you want add from rodex mail. (OPTIONAL)
Add a item from inventory in rodex mail box. (use index of item in inventory)

rodex remove <item index> <amount>
<index item> - number of item index in rodex mail (number integer).
<amount> - amount that you want remove from rodex mail. (OPTIONAL)
remove a item or amount of item from rodex mail.

rodex send
Send finished rodex mail.

rodex cancel
Close rodex mail write box.

rodex delete <mail id>
<mail id> - id from rodex mail (number integer).
Delete selected rodex mail