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<div style="background:red;color:white;font-weight:bold;margin:1em 5em;padding:1.5em;border-radius:0.3em;text-align:center">!!!!WARNING!!!!<br />We, the OpenKore development team, DO NOT SELL OpenKore. We encourage people putting in efforts to this project and redistributing it to people. However, if you think you have purchased an identical piece of our free-of-charge version, we encourage you to contact the seller to claim your money back if necessary.</div>

<div style="text-align:center;">OpenKore — Custom Ragnarok Online client</div>
<div style="background:red;color:white;font-weight:bold;margin:1em 5em;padding:1.5em;border-radius:0.3em;text-align:center">We, the OpenKore development team, do not responsible for any form of attack to any official or private Ragnarok Online server. OpenKore is built for enjoying the game with the alternative client on top of automation. It is designed to simulate a normal player behaviour and does not use any particular method that can harm the server or any player.</div>

{|width="100%" style="table-layout:fixed; text-align:center;"
| [[File:Home.png|link=]]
[ Forums]
| [[File:Irc.png|link=irc://]]
[irc:// IRC] [ Web]
| [[File:Help.png|link=Manual]]
| [[File:Downloads.png|link=Links]]
| [[File:Development.png|link=]]
[ Subversion]
<!--| [[File:Bugtracker.png|link=]]
[ Bugtracker]-->
| [[File:Credits.png|link=OpenKore]]
[[OpenKore|About OpenKore]]

{|width="100%" style="table-layout:fixed;"

== Guides ==
{{Template:Current Wiki TODO's}}
* [[Quick Start Guide|Quick start: obtain, install, run]]
** [ Download stable ('''2.0.7''') — outdated]
** [ Download latest ('''trunk''', "svn") — recommended]
** [ Download Windows binaries (.exe)]
* [[Connectivity Guide|Configure connection]]
** [[serverType|Configure serverType]]
** [[Packet Length Extractor|Configure recvpackets.txt]]
** [[FLD Creation Guide|Add FLD for custom maps]]
** [[Unsupported servers | Unbotable Servers]]
* '''[[Frequently Asked Questions]]'''
* [[Overview|Quick command and configuration overview]]
* [[References|References — concepts shared between other features]]
* [[How to run OpenKore|How to run — dependencies, compilation, arguments]]
* [[Updating/2.1|Updating to trunk notes]]
* [[:Category:Interfaces|Interfaces]]
* [[XKore|XKore — Using Kore and RO client simultaneously]]
* [[Poseidon|Poseidon — GameGuard and HackShield solution]]
* [[Run multiple bots from the same .exe]]
* [[TortoiseSVN Guide]]
== References ==
* [[:Category:Console Command|Console commands]]
* [[Chat Commands]]
* [[config.txt]]
** [[:Category:Self Condition|Self]] conditions
** Target [[:Category:Monster Condition|monster]] and [[:Category:Player Condition|player]] conditions
** [[:Category:Skill Use Condition|Skill use]] conditions
* [[items_control.txt|items_control — inventory/storage/cart behaviour]]
* [[mon_control.txt|mon_control — specific monsters behavior]]
* [[pickupitems.txt|pickupitems — specific loots behavior]]
* [[priority.txt]]
* [[routeweights.txt]]
* [[shop.txt|shop — Vending list]]
* [[sys.txt]]
* [[timeouts.txt]]
* [[Macro plugin]]
* [[:Category:Plugins|How to get, use, create; Specific plugin docs]]
{|width="100%" style="table-layout:fixed;"
== Development ==
* [ Subversion Repository]
** [ Browser]
** [ Commit Log]
** [[Repository Structure]]
* [[Roadmap]]
* [[:Category:New Feature|New Features since last release]]
* [[:Category:Work in Progress|Current Developments]]
* [[:Category:Feature Request|Feature Requests and TODOs]]
== Developer Documentation ==
* [[Packets|Packets (report on unknown packets)]]
* [[Patches Welcome|Modifying and sharing modded OpenKore]]
* [[Debugging]]
* [[bus|Bus System]]
* [[How to write plugins for OpenKore]]
* [[Porting plugins from OpenKore 1.6 to 2.0.1 and higher]]
== Current Wiki TODO's ==
* [[OpenKore]] and [[Template:OpenKore Contributors]] need some updating
* complete [[:Category:config.txt|config.txt]] pages that are conform with [[char]] and add appropriate categories (ex. [[:Category:Connection]] for [[char]]) from [ old manual] and [ older manual]
* commands discussion: [[Category_talk:Console_Command]]
* config.txt options: [[loginPinCode]], [[repairAuto_list]], [[wx_map_portalSticking]], [[wx_map_monsterSticking]], [[wx_map_npcSticking]], [[logToFile_Messages]], [[logToFile_Warnings]], [[logToFile_Errors]], [[logToFile_Debug]], [[encrypt]].
* config.txt general block option: [[label]]
* redirect to this wiki
* Track down orphan pages and link the appropriately, esp to main page
* Redo main page so it looks more like; reorganizing pages into different categories and adding overview/introduction pages to each category
* Write 'foundation pages' for wiki such as [[Help:Editing]] which will contain tutorial with information such as manual of style, links to wiki markup explanations.
* Organization of pages should refer to [], [ OpenTTD wiki]
* disable forced uppercase for page titles
* remove 'index.php' from wiki view URLs?
=== Deletion list ===

Latest revision as of 23:16, 3 May 2021

We, the OpenKore development team, DO NOT SELL OpenKore. We encourage people putting in efforts to this project and redistributing it to people. However, if you think you have purchased an identical piece of our free-of-charge version, we encourage you to contact the seller to claim your money back if necessary.
We, the OpenKore development team, do not responsible for any form of attack to any official or private Ragnarok Online server. OpenKore is built for enjoying the game with the alternative client on top of automation. It is designed to simulate a normal player behaviour and does not use any particular method that can harm the server or any player.
OpenKore — Custom Ragnarok Online client. Download latest ready-to-use revision.



Download Bug Reports





About OpenKore

Starting with OpenKore

I want to bot on official servers I want to bot on private servers
Status of botting on Official Servers
Server Code Description Vendor Protection Supporter Status
aRO (Baphomet) Asia RO GNJoy CheatDefender N/A Not botable
bRO Brazil RO WarpPortal Brazil EAC N/A Not botable
cRO China RO Taren Network nProtect alisonrag Botable with Poseidon
euRO Prime Europe RO (Renewal, like Transcendence) 4Games Frost Security ya4ept Botable (paid only)
iRO (Сhaos/Thor/Freya) International RO (Renewal) WarpPortal USA EAC N/A Not botable
idRO Classic Indonesia RO (Classic) GNJoy nProtect N/A Botable with Poseidon
idRO Retro Indonesia RO (Retro) GNJoy nProtect N/A Not botable (need to check)
idRO Yggdrasil Indonesia RO (Forever Love) GNJoy EAC N/A Not botable
jRO Japan RO GungHo nProtect N/A Not botable (need to check)
kRO Korea RO GNJoy nProtect alisonrag Botable Poseidon
kRO-Zero Korea RO Zero GNJoy nProtect alisonrag Botable with Poseidon
ruRO Prime Russia RO (Renewal, like Transcendence) 4Games Frost Security ya4ept Botable (paid only)
tRO (Chaos/Thor) Thailand RO (Online) GNJoy nProtect N/A Not botable (need to check)
tRO (Baphomet) Thailand RO (Classic) GNJoy nProtect N/A Not botable (need to check)
tRO (Baphomet) Thailand RO (Landverse) GNJoy ??? N/A Not botable (need to check)
twRO Taiwan RO GNJoy CheatDefender N/A Not botable

Obs: Sometimes "Not botable", don't mean that openkore don't have support to the server, in some cases you need to bypass the anti-cheat to make it work

Having trouble connecting or running your bot?

Configuring your bot

Quick Settings

Customizing your settings

Configuration Files Plugins
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Development Perl Reference

Current Wiki TODO's