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Not all of Kore's features can be used by simply setting up the configuration files. Console commands allows you to manually control Kore while it is running by typing these commands in the console. The commands are equivalent to the manual actions you can do in the original Ragnarok Online Client (e.g. chatting, dealing, party and guild management, etc.).
#REDIRECT [[:Category:Console Command]]
This section of the manual describes all of the console commands that you can use.
==Command List==
;a (<monster #>)
:<monster #>
::- a corresponding number from the monster list when you use the ml command.
:Attack a monster.
;a (yes | no)
:Toggles auto-attack on or off.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|a yes
|Turns on auto-attack. This sets the config.txt option attackAuto to 2.
|align=center|a no
|Turns off auto-attack. This sets the config.txt option attackAuto to 1.
;ai [on | off]
;ai [manual | auto]
:Toggles AI on or off.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Toggles AI on, off or manual.
|align=center|ai on
|Turns AI on.
|align=center|ai off
|Turns AI off.
|align=center|ai auto
|Sets AI to auto mode. Same as "ai on".
|align=center|ai manual
|Sets AI to manual mode.
:When AI is off, you cannot use some console commands (e.g. move) with Kore. The manual AI mode is useful for disabling certain automatic AI functions like auto-skills, autostorage, etc, but still allowing you to use basic commands like move, talknpc, etc.
;ai ai_v
:Displays a formated output of the contents of the %ai_v hash, for debugging purposes.
;ai clear
:Clears AI sequences.
;ai print
:Displays detailed info about current AI sequence.
:Display current AI sequences.
:Displays the status of your vending shop.
:After using the arrowcraft use command, this command re-displays the list of items you can craft into arrows.
;arrowcraft (<arrowcraft #>)
:<arrowcraft #>
::a corresponding number from the arrow craft list when you use the arrowcraft command.
:Create arrows using an item from the arrow craft items list.
:'''''Note.''''' You have to use the Arrow Crafting Skill (see arrowcraft use) before creating arrows using this command.
;arrowcraft use
:Use the Archer's Arrow Crafting skill and get the list of items you can craft into arrows.
;arrowcraft forceuse (<inventory item #>)
:<inventory item #>
::- a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
:Craft arrows immediately from an item without using the Arrow Crafting skill.
:'''''Note.''''' On some servers, any class can create arrows using this exploit.
:Stop attacking a monster.
:Display possible commands for auction.
;aua <inventory item> <amount>
:<inventory item #>
::A corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
::The amount (positive integer).
:Adds an item to the auction.
'''''<span style="color:red">Bug 2.0.7.</span> ''''': It can't add more than 1 item.
:Removes item from auction
;auc (<current price> <instant buy price> <hours>)
:<current price>
::The price of the item to start the auction.
:<instant buy price>
::The price for instant buying the item.
::Auction's duration.
:Creates an auction.
;aub <id> <price>
::A corresponding number from the auction list when you open your auction window.
::The amount of zenys that you will bid for the item.
:Bids an auction.
;aui (selling | buying)
:Displays your auction info.
;aud <index>
::Auction's index number.
:Deletes ad auction.
;aue <index>
::Auction's index number.
:Ends an auction.
;aus <type> [<price> | <text>]
::Item's search criteria.
:::#By Text
:::#By Price
::A certain amount of zenys.
::A text containing letters and numbers.
:Search for an auction according to the criteria.
;auth (<player name> <authorize flag>)
:<player name>
::- the name of the player you want to authorize or unauthorize.
:<authorize flag>
::- a boolean value. Specify either 1 to authorize, or 0 to unauthorize.
:Authorize or unauthorize a player to use Kore chat commands (see Chat Commands).
:Initiate auto-buy AI sequence.
:Initiate auto-sell AI sequence.
:Initiate auto-storage AI sequence.
:Does a bangbang body turn.
;bg (<message>)
::- the message (string).
:Send a message in the battlegrounds chat.
{{Available since 2.1‎}}
:Does a bingbing body turn.
;buy (<store item #>) [<amount>]
:<store item #>
::- a corresponding number from the store item list when you use the store command.
::- the amount (positive integer).
:After talking to a buy/sell NPC, you can buy an item from the current NPC shop using this command.
:'''''Note.''''' If the amount is not specified, you will buy exactly one of the specified item.
;c (<message>)
::- the message (string).
:Send a message in the public chat.
;card list
:Show a list of cards in your inventory.
;card use (<card #>)
:<card #>
:::- a corresponding number from the card list when you use the card list command.
:Initiate card compounding using the specified card and get the list of items you can slot the card into. This is the same as double-clicking a card in the Ragnarok Online Client.
;card mergelist
:Show the list of items you can slot the card into again.
;card mergecancel
:Cancel the card merging request.
;card merge (<card merge #>)
:<card merge #>
::- a corresponding number from the card merge list when you use the card mergelist command.
:Merge the used card with the specified item and finalize card compounding.
;card forceuse (<card #> <inventory item #>)
:<card #>
::- a corresponding number from the card list when you use the card list command.
:<inventory item #>
::- a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
:Instantly merge the specified card with the specified item.
:'''''Note.''''' This command only checks if the items exist in the inventory, so it's possible to screw up with this.
; charselect
: Exit to character selection screen.
:Display a list of items in your cart.
;cart add (<inventory item>) [<amount>]
:<inventory item>
::- an inventory item name, or a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
::- the amount (positive integer).
:Add an item to cart from your inventory.
:'''''Note.''''' If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.
;cart get (<cart item>) [<amount>]
:<cart item>
::- a cart item name, or a corresponding number from the cart item list when you use the cart command.
::- the amount (positive integer).
:Get an item from cart to your inventory.
:'''''Note.''''' If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.
;cart desc (<cart item #>)
:<cart item #>
::- a corresponding number from the cart item list when you use the cart command.
:Display a description of the specified cart item.
;cart release
:Release your cart.
;chat list
:Display a list of chat rooms in your immediate area.
;chat join (<chat room #>)
:<chat room #>
::- a corresponding number from the chat room list when you use the chat list command.
:Join the specified chat room.
;chat info
:Display details about the chat room you're currently in, and the list of current chat room users.
;chat leave
:Leave the current chat room.
;chat create (\"<title>\") [<limit> <public flag> <password>]
::- the chat room title (normally, this must not be more than 36 characters long).
::- the maximum number of chat room users allowed (ranges from 2 to 20).
:<public flag>
::- a boolean value. Specify either 1 to make a public chat room, or 0 to make a private one.
::- the chat room password (not less than 4 characters long).
:Create a chat room.
;chat modify (\"<title>\") [<limit> <public flag> <password>]
::- the chat room title (normally, this must not be more than 36 characters long).
::- the maximum number of chat room users allowed (ranges from 2 to 20).
:<public flag>
::- a boolean value. Specify either 1 to make a public chat room, or 0 to make a private one.
::- the chat room password (not less than 4 characters long).
:Modify the current chat room.
;chat bestow (<chat user #>)
:<chat user #>
::- a corresponding number from the chat room user list when you use the chat info command.
:Bestow admin to the specified chat room user.
;chat kick (<chat user #>)
:<chat user #>
::- a corresponding number from the chat room user list when you use the chat info command.
:Kick the specified chat room user.
;chist [<number>]
::- any positive integer.
:Display last few lines from the chat log.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display last 5 lines from the chat log.
|align=center|chist <number>
|Display the last specified number or lines from the chat log.
:Clear the item log.
:Clear the chat log.
:Close your vending shop.
;conf (<config key>) [<value>|none]
;conf (<label.label_name>) [<value>|none]
:<config key>
::- a configuration key name from config.txt.
::- any value depending on the configuration key being changed.
::- by specified label name in configuration block, you can use label name instead of configuration key (see example in config.txt)
:Change a configuration key.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|conf <config key>
|Display the current value of the specified configuration key.
|align=center|conf <config key> <value>
|Set a new value for the specified configuration key.
|align=center|conf <config key> none
|Unset the specified configuration key.
|align=center|conf <label.label_name>
|Display the current value of the specified configuration key
|align=center|conf <label.label_name> <value>
|Set a new value for the specified configuration key through label_name.
|align=center|conf <label.label_name> none
|Unset the specified configuration key through label_name.
:'''''Note.''''' Kore will not disclose the username and password using this command.
;cook (<cook list #>)
:Attempt to create a food item.
;damage [reset]
:Damage taken report.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display the damage taken report.
|align=center|damage reset
|Reset the damage taken report.
:Use this command to (1) accept the incoming deal request, (2) finalize your part of the deal, or (3) trade if both parties have finalized.
:'''''Note.''''' See '''dealAuto''' in [[config.txt]] to automatically accept a deal.
;deal (<player #>)
:<player #>
:- a corresponding number from the player list when you use the [[Console Commands|pl]] command.
:Request a deal with the specified player.
;deal no
:Use this command to (1) deny an incoming deal, or (2) cancel the current deal.
:'''''Note.''''' See dealAuto in [[config.txt]] to automatically deny an incoming deal request.
;deal add (<inventory item #>) [<amount>]
:<inventory item #>
::- a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
::- the amount (positive integer).
:Add inventory items to current deal.
:'''''Note.''''' If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.
;deal add z [<amount>]
::- the amount (positive integer).
:Add zenny to current deal.
:'''''Note.''''' If the amount is not specified, this will add all of your zennies.
;debug (<level>)
::- the debug level (0 - off, 1 - low, 2 - high).
:Set the option debug in config.txt to the specified level.
;debug info
:Display debug information.
:Display the status of the current deal, and a list of items (and zenny) offered in the deal.
:Does a doridori head turn.
;drop (<inventory item list>) [<amount>]
:<inventory item list>
::- a comma-separated list of corresponding numbers from the inventory item list when you use the i command. <br/>
Each list item can be a single item number, or a range of item numbers in the form of X-Y (e.g. 1-5). <br/>
Don't use a space in-between the list items.
:- the amount (positive integer).
:Drop the specified item(s) from your inventory.
:The following command will drop the item 4 from your inventory:
  drop 4
:The following command will drop the 10 of the items 4, 7, 8, 9, and 12 from your inventory:
drop 4,7-9,12 10
:'''''Note.'''''  If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.
:Dump the current packet recieve buffer and quit.
:Dump the current packet recieve buffer without quitting.
;e (<emoticon>)
::- see tables\emotions.txt for the list of valid emoticon codes.
:Show emotion.
;east [<number>]
::- any positive integer.
:Move to the east.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Move 5 steps east.
|align=center|east <number>
|Move to the east with the specified number of steps.
:Display a list of equipped items in each equipment slot.
;eq (<inventory item>)
:<inventory item>
::- an inventory item name, or a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
:Equip the specified item.
;eq (<equip slot> <inventory item>)
:<equip slot>
::- an equipment slot name as displayed in the equipment slot list when you use the eq slots command.
:<inventory item>
::- an inventory item name, or a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
:Equip the specified item on the specified equipment slot.
;eq slots
:Display a list of equipment slot names.
;eval (<expression>)
::- Perl expression.
:Evaluate a Perl expression (developers only).
;exp [report | monster | item | reset]  
:Experience report.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display report on experience gained only.
|align=center|exp report
|Display detailed report on experience gained, monsters killed and items gained.
|align=center|exp monster
|Display report on monsters killed.
|align=center|exp item
|Display report on inventory changes.
|align=center|exp reset
|Reset the experience report.
;falcon [release]
:Falcon status.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display falcon status.
|align=center|falcon release
|Release your falcon.
;follow (<player> | stop)
::- a player name, or a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|follow <player>
|Follow the specified player
|align=center|follow stop
|Stop following.
:'''''Note.''''' See related follow options in [[config.txt]].
:Display a list of your friends and their online status
;friend request <player>
::- a player name, or a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
:Request a player to be your friend.
;friend accept
:Accept an incoming friend request
;friend reject <player>
::- a player name, or a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
:Reject an incoming friend request.
;friend pm <friend #>
:<friend #>
::- a corresponding number from the friend list when you use the friend command.
:Send a friend a private message.
;friend remove <friend #>
:<friend #>
::- a corresponding number from the friend list when you use the friend command.
:Remove a friend from your friends list.
;g (<message>)
:- the message (string).
:Send a message in the guild chat.
;getplayerinfo (<player ID>)
:<player ID>
::- a player's account ID (can be retrieved by the pl command).
:Ask the server for the name of the object with the specified ID.
:'''''Note.''''' You will not see the info unless you have debug level 2.
;guild [info|member]
:Guild information.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Request guild info.
|align=center|guild info
|Display guild info.
|align=center|guild member
|Display guild members list.
:'''''Note.''''' You have to use the guild command before using the commands guild info and guild member to refresh the guild information. Otherwise, you will not see the latest guild information.
;guild create (<guild name>)
:<guild name>
::- the name (string).
:Create a guild.
;guild request (<player>)
::- a player name, or a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
:Request the specified player to join your guild.
;guild join (<accept flag>)
:<accept flag>
::- a boolean value. Specify either 1 to accept, or 0 to deny.
:Accept or deny an incoming guild join request.
:'''''Note.''''' See guildAutoDeny in config.txt to automatically deny an incoming guild join request.
;guild ally (<player>)
::- a player name, or a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
:Request alliance to another guild.
;guild leave
:Leave your current guild.
;guild kick (<guild member #> <reason>)
:<guild member #>
::- a corresponding number from the guild members list when you use the guild member command.
::- the reason of expulsion (string).
:Kick a guild member out of the guild.
;guild break (<guild name>)
:<guild name>
::- the name (string).
:Disband your guild.
;help [<command name>]
:<command name>
::- a command name as listed in this page (use the first word only).
:Display help info.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display a list of available commands.
|align=center|help <command name>
|Display detailed information about the specified command.
;homun [s | status | feed | fire | move (<x> <y>) | standby | aiv]
::- x-coordinate.
::- y-coordinate.
:Interact with homunculus.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|homun s
|Display homunculus status.
|align=center|homun status
|Display homunculus status.
|align=center|homun feed
|Feed your homunculus. (Food needed)
|align=center|homun fire
|Deletes your homunculus.
|align=center|homun move <x> <y>
|Moves your homunculus.
|align=center|homun standby
|Makes your homunculus standby.
|align=center|homun aiv
|Display current homunculus AI.
;homun ai [on | auto | manual | off | clear | print]
:Interact with homunculus AI.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|homun ai
|Toggles AI on, off or manual.
|align=center|homun on
|Turns homunculus AI on.
|align=center|homun auto
|Turns homunculus AI on.
|align=center|homun manual.
|Turns homunculus AI to manual.
|align=center|homun off
|Turns homunculus AI off.
|align=center|homun clear
|Clears homunculus AI.
|align=center|homun print
|Prints homunculus AI.
;homun skills [(add | desc) [<skill #>]]
:<skill #>
::- a corresponding number from the skills list when you use the '''homun skills''' command.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|homun skills
|Displays homunculus skills.
|align=center|homun skills add <skill #>
|Add a skill point to the current homunculus skill.
|align=center|homun desc <skill #>
|Display a description of the specified homunculus skill.
;i [eq | neq | nu | u]
:Display inventory items.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display a list of all available inventory items.
|align=center|i eq
|Display a list of currently equipped items.
|align=center|i neq
|Display a list of unequipped inventory items.
|align=center|i nu
|Display a list of non-usable inventory items.
|align=center|i u
|Display a list of usable inventory items.
;i desc (<inventory item>)
:<inventory item>
::- an inventory item name, or a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
:Display a description of the specified inventory item.
;identify [<identify item #>]
:<identify item #>
::- a corresponding number from the identify item list when you use the identify command.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|After using a Magnifier item, or the Item Appraisal Skill, this command re-displays the list of items to be identified.
|align=center|identify <identify item #>
|Identify the specified item.
;ignore (<ignore flag>) (<player name> | all)
:<ignore flag>
::- a boolean value. Specify either 1 to block messages, or 0 to unblock.
:<player name>
::- the name of the player you want to ignore or unignore.
:Block or unblock messages from players.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|ignore <ignore flag> <player name>
|Blocks/unblocks messages from the specified player.
|align=center|ignore <ignore flag> all
|Blocks/unblocks messages from all players.
:This is the same as the /ex and /exall commands in the Ragnarok Online Client when the ignore flag is set to 1, or /in and /inall when the ignore flag is set to 0.
:Display a list of items on the ground.
;ihist [<number>]
::- any positive integer.
:Display last few lines from the item log.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display last 5 lines from the item log.
|align=center|ihist <number>
|Display the last specified number or lines from the item
;im (<inventory item #> <monster #>)
:<inventory item #>
::- a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
:<monster #>
::- a corresponding number from the monster list when you use the ml command.
:Use the specified item on a monster.
;ip (<inventory item #> <player #>)
:<inventory item #>
:: - a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
:<player #>
::- a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
:Use the specified item on a player.
;is (<inventory item>)
:<inventory item>
:- an inventory item name, or a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
:Use the specified item on self.
;kill (<player #>)
:<player #>
::- a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
:Attack another player (PvP/GvG only).
;look (<body dir>) [<head dir>]
:<body dir>
::0 - North
::1 - Northwest
::2 - West
::3 - Southwest
::4 - South
::5 - Southeast
::6 - East
::7 - Northeast
:<head dir>
::0 - Ahead
::1 - Right
::2 - Left
:Tell Kore to look in a certain direction.
:'''''Note.''''' If <head dir> is not specified, your head will look straight ahead of your body.
;lookp (<player #>)
:<player #>
::- a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
:Look at the specified player.
:Displays Mail commands.
;ms (<receiver> <title> <message>)
::Name of the player that will receive the mail.
::Mail's title.
::Mail's message.
:Sends Mail.
;mo <mail #>
:<mail #>
::a corresponding number from the mail list when you open your mailbox.
:Open a mail.
:Opens Mailbox.
;mw [0 | 1 | 2]
:Interacts with mail box window.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|mw 0
|Write mail.
|align=center|mw 1
|Take attached items back.
|align=center|mw 2
|Inputs zenys.
;ma (get <mail #>)
:<mail #>
::a corresponding number from the mail list when you open your mailbox.
:Takes items attached from mail.
;ma (add [zeny <amount>] | [item <amount> (<inventory item>)])
::- the amount (positive integer).
:<inventory item>
::- an inventory item name, or a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|ma add zeny <amount>
|Attaches zenys in the mail.
|align=center|ma add item <amount> <inventory item>
|Attaches items in the mail.
;md <mail #>
:<mail #>
::a corresponding number from the mail list when you open your mailbox.
:Deletes a Mail.
'''''Note.''''' You must remove all the items/zenys attached first.
;mr <mail #>
:<mail #>
::a corresponding number from the mail list when you open your mailbox.
:Returns the mail to the sender.
:Save current position for warp portal (for Acolytes only).
::Display a list of monsters in your immediate area.
;merc [s | status | fire | move (<x> <y>) | standby | aiv]
::- x-coordinate.
::- y-coordinate.
:Interact with Mercenary.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|merc s
|Display mercenary status.
|align=center|merc status
|Display mercenary status.
|align=center|merc fire
|Fires your mercenary.
|align=center|merc move <x> <y>
|Moves your mercenary.
|align=center|merc standby
|Makes your mercenary standby.
|align=center|merc aiv
|Display current mercenary AI.
;merc ai [on | auto | manual | off | clear | print]
:Interact with mercenary AI.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|merc ai
|Toggles AI on, off or manual.
|align=center|merc on
|Turns mercenary AI on.
|align=center|merc auto
|Turns mercenary AI on.
|align=center|merc manual.
|Turns mercenary AI to manual.
|align=center|merc off
|Turns mercenary AI off.
|align=center|merc clear
|Clears mercenary AI.
|align=center|merc print
|Prints mercenary AI.
;merc skills [(add | desc) [<skill #>]]
:<skill #>
::- a corresponding number from the skills list when you use the '''merc skills''' command.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|homun skills
|Displays mercenary skills.
|align=center|homun skills add <skill #>
|Add a skill point to the current mercenary skill.
|align=center|homun desc <skill #>
|Display a description of the specified mercenary skill.
;move ([<x> <y>] [<map name>]| <portal #> | stop)
::- x-coordinate.
::- y-coordinate.
:<map name>
::- the name of a map as shown by the where command in Kore, or the /where command in the Ragnarok Online client (e.g. prontera, morocc, prt_fild08, etc.).
:<portal #>
::- a corresponding number from the portals list when you use the portals command.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|move <x> <y> [<map name>]
|Move to the specified coordinates on the map. If the map name is not specified, you will move inside the current map.
|align=center|move <map name>
|Move to the specified map.
|align=center|move <portal #>
|Move to the nearby portal.
|align=center|move stop
|Stop all movements.
:Display a list of NPCs in your immediate area.
;north [<number>]
::- any positive integer.
:Move to the north.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Move 5 steps north.
|align=center|north <number>
|Move to the north with the specified number of steps.
;northeast [<number>]
::- any positive integer.
:Move to the northeast.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Move 5 steps northeast.
|align=center|northeast <number>
|Move to the northeast with the specified number of steps.
;northwest [<number>]
::- any positive integer.
:Move to the northwest.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Move 5 steps northwest.
|align=center|northwest <number>
|Move to the northwest with the specified number of steps.
:Open your vending shop.
;p (<message>)
::- the message (string).
:Send a message in the party chat.
:Display a list of your party members, with their online status, location and health.
;party create (<party name>)
:<party name>
::- the name (string).
:Organize a party.
;party share (<share flag>)
:<share flag>
::- a boolean value. Specify either 1 to set EXP sharing to even, or 0 for individual take.
:Set party EXP sharing.
;party request (<player #>|<player's name>)
:<player #>
::- a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
:<player's name>
::- the name of the player that if going to be invinted for party
:Request player to join your party.
;party join (<accept flag>)
:<accept flag>
::- a boolean value. Specify either 1 to accept, or 0 to deny.
:Accept or deny a party join request.
:'''''Note.''''' See [[partyAuto]] in [[config.txt]] to automatically accept or deny an incoming party join request.
;party kick (<party member #>)
:<party member #>
::- a corresponding number from the party members list when you use the party command.
:Expel a party member from your party.
;party leave
:Leave your current party.
;pause [<seconds>]
::- the time in seconds.
:Delay the next console commands specified after this by a set number of seconds. Cannot be used if not ingame and if ai is set to manual or off. Does not delay console commands that display information like exp, skills and i.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Delay the next console commands for 1 second
|align=center|pause <seconds>
|Delay the next console commands by a specified number of seconds
:The following example will execute the move command after 100 seconds have passed.
pause 100;;move 100 100
;pecopeco [release]
:Pecopeco status.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display pecopeco status.
|align=center|pecopeco release
|Release your pecopeco.
:Display a list of pets in your immediate area.
;pl [<player #>]
:<player #>
::- a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display a list of players in you immediate area.
|align=center|pl [<player #>]
|Display detailed info about the specified player.
;plugin [help]
:Plugin information.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display a list of currently loaded plugins.
|align=center|plugin help
|Display plugin help.
;plugin (load | reload | unload) (<filename> | all)
::- the plugin filename (the path may be relative to your main bot folder).
:Load/reload/unload plugins.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|plugin load <filename>
|Load a plugin file.
|align=center|plugin load all
|Load all plugin files inside the plugins folder.
|align=center|plugin reload (<plugin>)
|Reload a registered plugin.
|align=center|plugin reload all
|Reload all registered plugin.
|align=center|plugin unload (<plugin>)
|Unload a registered plugin.
|align=center|plugin unload all
|Unload all registered plugin.
;pm (<player name>|<pm list #>) (<message>)
:<player name>
::- the name of the player you want to send the message.
:<pm list #>
::- a corresponding number from the pm list when you use the pml command.
::- the message (string).
:Send a private message to a player.
:Display the quick PM list.
:This is similar to the PM list in the Ragnarok Online Client where names of players you previously PM'ed, or who PM'ed you, are stored in a list for quick access. In Kore, you can use the corresponding numbers in this PM list for the pm command.
:Display a list of portals in your immediate area.
;quest [set <questID> <on | off> | list]
::A corresponding number from the quest list when you use the '''quest list''' command.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Displays possible commands for quest.
|align=center|quest set <questID> on
|Enable quest.
|align=center|quest set <questID> off
|Disable quest.
|align=center|quest list
|Displays a list of your quests.
:Exit the program.
;rc [<module names>]
:<module names>
:- a space separated list of openkore source module names. Each name is treated as a regular expression.
:Reload source code files.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|rc <module names>
|Reload module files that match the specified space-delimited list of names.
;refine (<item name> | <item index>)
:Refine an item (using the whitesmith skill)
;reload (all | <names>) [except <names>]
::- a list of words that match config and table filenames.
:Reload configuration and table files.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|reload all
|Reload all configuration and table files.
|align=center|reload <names>
|Reload config and table files that match the specified list of names.
|align=center|reload <names> except <names>
|Reload config and table files that match the first specified list of names except those that match the list of names after the except keyword.
|align=center|reload all except <names>
|Reload all config and table files except those that match the specified list of names.
:The following example will reload all config files inside the 'control' folder.
reload control
:The next example will reload all table files inside the 'tables' folder except for tables\itemsdescriptions.txt, tables\portals.txt, tables\portalsLOS.txt, and tables\skillsdescriptions.txt.
reload tables except itemsdesc portals skillsdesc
;relog [<seconds>]
::- the time in seconds.
:Log out then log in again.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Logout and then login after 5 seconds.
|align=center|relog <seconds>
|Logout and then login after the specified number of seconds.
;repair (<repair item #>)
:<repair item #>
::- a corresponding number from the repair item list.
:After using the Weapon Repair Skill, use this command to repair the specified player's item.
:'''''Note.''''' See the option repairAuto to automatically choose the item to repair.
:Respawn back to the save point.
:'''''Note.''''' Unless you are dead, you need a Butterfly Wing in your inventory, or the Teleport Skill, to respawn.
:Display character status. This is similar to the Basic Information window in the Ragnarok Online Client, but also includes currently active status effects.
:Display a list of items that you can sell to a buy/sell NPC.
:'''''Note.''''' You must have previously talked to a buy/sell before using this command.
;sell (<inventory item list>) [<amount>]
:<inventory item list>
::- a comma-separated list of corresponding numbers from the inventory item list when you use the i command. Each list item can be a single item number, or a range of item numbers in the form of X-Y (e.g. 1-5). Don't use a space in-between the list items.
::- the amount (positive integer).
:Add inventory items to your sell list. Use sell done to start selling the items all at once.
:The following command will add the item 21 from your inventory to your sell list:
sell 21
:The following command will add 50 of each of the items 21, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 51 from your inventory to your sell list:
sell 21,30-33,51 50
:'''''Note.''''' If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.
;sell list
:Display items in your sell list.
;sell done
:When you have finished adding items to your sell list, use this command to bulk sell everything in your sell list.
:'''''Note.''''' You must have previously talked to a buy/sell before using this command.
;sell cancel
:Clear the sell list.
;send (<hex string>)
:<hex string>
::- a space-separated sequence of hex codes (e.g. 04 02 22 37 D7 FC).
:Send a raw packet to the server.
;showeq [p <player> | [me <on | off>]
::A player's name, a number from the player's list when you use the '''''pl''''' command or a partial part of the player's name.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|showeq <player>
|Request equipment information for player.
|align=center|showeq me on
|Enables equipment showing.
|align=center|showeq me off
|Disables equipment showing.
:Sit down.
:'''''Note.''''' To ensure that Kore will stay put, this command will set the config.txt option attackAuto to 1, and the options attackAuto_party, route_randomWalk, teleportAuto_idle, and itemsGatherAuto to 0. The original values are stored so they can be reset when the stand command is used.
:Show available skills, with their current skill levels and SP usage.
;skills add (<skill #>)
:<skill #>
::- a corresponding number from the skills list when you use the skills command.
:Add a skill point to the specified skill.
;skills desc (<skill #>)
:<skill #>
::- a corresponding number from the skills list when you use the skills command.
:Display a description of the specified skill.
;sl (<skill #> <x> <y>) [<level>]
:<skill #>
::- a corresponding number from the skills list when you use the skills command.
::- x-coordinate.
::- y-coordinate.
::- the skill level.
:Use the specified skill on a location.
:Display a list of slaves near the bot.
;sm (<skill #> <monster #>) [<level>]
:<skill #>
::- a corresponding number from the skills list when you use the skills command.
:<monster #>
::- a corresponding number from the monster list when you use the ml command.
::- the skill level.
:Use the specified skill on a monster.
;south [<number>]
::- any positive integer.
:Move to the south.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Move 5 steps south.
|align=center|south <number>
|Move to the south with the specified number of steps.
;southeast [<number>]
::- any positive integer.
:Move to the southeast.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Move 5 steps southeast.
|align=center|southeast <number>
|Move to the southeast with the specified number of steps.
;southwest [<number>]
::- any positive integer.
:Move to the southwest.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Move 5 steps southwest.
|align=center|southwest <number>
|Move to the southwest with the specified number of steps.
;sp (<skill #> <player>) [<level>]
:<skill #>
::- a corresponding number from the skills list when you use the skills command.
::- a player name, or a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
::- the skill level.
:Use the specified skill on a player.
:Display a list of area effect spells in your immediate area.
;ss (<skill #>) [<level>]
:<skill #>
::- a corresponding number from the skills list when you use the skills command.
::- the skill level.
:Use the specified skill on self.
:Display stats. This is similar to the Status window in the Ragnarok Online Client.
:Stand up.
:'''''Note.''''' If you previously used the sit command to force Kore to sit, this will set the config.txt options attackAuto, attackAuto_party, route_randomWalk, teleportAuto_idle, and itemsGatherAuto to their original values.
;stat_add (str | agi | int | vit | dex | luk)
:Add status point to a stat.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|stat_add str
|Add status point to STR.
|align=center|stat_add agi
|Add status point to AGI.
|align=center|stat_add int
|Add status point to INT.
|align=center|stat_add vit
|Add status point to VIT.
|align=center|stat_add dex
|Add status point to DEX.
|align=center|stat_add luk
|Add status point to LUK. 
;storage [ eq | nu | u ]
:List items in storage.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display a list of all items in storage.
|align=center|storage eq
|Display a list of equipable items in storage.
|align=center|storage nu
|Display a list of non-usable items in storage.
|align=center|storage u
|Display a list of usable items in storage.
;storage add (<inventory item>) [<amount>]
:<inventory item>
::- an inventory item name, or a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
::- the amount (positive integer).
:Add an inventory item to storage.
:'''''Note.''''' If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.
;storage addfromcart (<cart item>) [<amount>]
:<cart item>
::- a cart item name, or a corresponding number from the cart item list when you use the cart command.
::- the amount (positive integer).
:Add a cart item to storage.
:'''''Note.''''' If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.
;storage get (<storage item>) [<amount>]
:<storage item>
::- a storage item name, or a corresponding number from the storage item list when you use the storage command.
::- the amount (positive integer).
:Get an item from storage to your inventory.
:'''''Note.''''' If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.
;storage gettocart (<storage item>) [<amount>]
:<storage item>
::- a storage item name, or a corresponding number from the storage item list when you use the storage command.
::- the amount (positive integer).
:Get an item from storage directly to your cart.
:'''''Note.''''' If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.
;storage desc (<storage item>)
:<storage item>
::- a storage item name, or a corresponding number from the storage item list when you use the storage command.
:Display storage item description.
;storage close
:Close storage.
;storage log
::Log storage items to logs\storage.txt.
;store [desc (<store item #>)]
:<store item #>
::- a corresponding number from the store item list when you use the store command.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display a list of available shop items from NPC.
|align=center|store desc (<store item #>)
|Display description of a store item.
;switchconf (<filename>)
::- the filename of an alternate config.txt (the path may be relative to your main bot folder).
:Switch configuration file.
;take (<ground item #> | first)
:<ground item #>
::- a corresponding number from the ground item list when you use the il command.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|take (<ground item #>
|Pick up an item from the ground.
|align=center|take first
|Pick up the first item listed in the ground item list when you use the [[Console Commands|il]] command.
;talk (<npc #> | cont | resp | resp (<response #>) | num <number> | text <string> | no)
:<npc #>
::- a corresponding number from the npc list when you use the nl command.
:<response #>
::- a corresponding number from the response list when you use the talk resp command.
::- any number.
::- any string.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|talk <npc #>
|Manually talk to an NPC.
|align=center|talk cont
|Continue talking to NPC. This is the same as clicking the next button when talking to an NPC in the Ragnarok Online Client.
|align=center|talk resp
|Display the list of available responses to NPC.
|align=center|talk resp (<response #>)
|Send a response to an NPC (when prompted for a response).
|align=center|talk num (<number>)
|Send a number to NPC (when prompted for a number).
|align=center|talk text (<string>)
|Send text/string to NPC.
|align=center|talk no
|End or cancel conversation with NPC.
;talknpc (<x> <y> <npc talk codes>)
::- x-coordinate.
::- y-coordinate.
:<npc talk codes>
::- a space-separated sequence of talk codes. See [[References#NPC_Conversation_Codes|the references section]] for more details about NPC conversation codes.
:Talk to the NPC on the specified coordinate and use the specified sequence of responses. 
;tank (<player> | stop)
:- a player name, or a corresponding number from the player list when you use the pl command.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|tank <player>
|Tank for the specified player.
|align=center|tank stop
|Stop tank mode.
:Teleport to a random location.
:'''''Note.''''' You must have Fly Wings in your inventory, or you must have the Teleport Skill, for this command to work. If you have both requirements (Teleport Skill and Fly Wings), set the option teleportAuto_useSkill in config.txt to specify which one to use.
:Show what your vending shop would sell.
;timeout (<timeout key>) [<seconds>]
:<timeout key>
::- a timeout key name from timeouts.txt.
::- the time in seconds.
:Set a timeout.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|timeout <timeout key>
|Display the current value of specified key name.
|align=center|timeout <timeout key> <seconds>
|Set a new value for the specified key name.
;top10 (a | alche | alchemist)
:Displays Alchemist's top10 ranking.
;top10 (b | black | blacksmith)
:Displays Blackmith's top10 ranking.
;top10 (p | pk | pvp)
:Displays PVP top10 ranking.
;top10 (t | tk | taekwon)
:Displays Taekwon's top10 ranking.
;uneq (<inventory item>)
:<inventory item>
::- an inventory item name, or a corresponding number from the inventory item list when you use the i command.
:Unequp an item.
;vender (<vender #> | <vender #> <vender item #> [<amount>] | end)
:<vender #>
::- a corresponding number from the vender list when you use the vl command.
:<vender item #>
::- a corresponding number from the vender item list when you use the vender command.
::- the amount (positive integer).
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|align=center|vender <vender #>
|Enter vender shop and display a list of available shop items.
|align=center|vender (<vender #> <vender item #> [<amount>])
|After entering a vender shop using the vender command, you can start buying items from the vender shop using this command.
|align=center|vender end
|Leave current vender shop.
:'''''Note.''''' If the amount is not specified, you will buy exactly one of the specified item.
:Toggles verbose on or off.
:Display the version of Openkore.
:Display a list of vending shops in your immediate area.
;warp (<warp #> | <map name>)
:<warp #>
::- a corresponding number from the warp list when you use the warp list command.
:<map name>
::- the name of a map as shown by the where command in Kore, or the /where command in the Ragnarok Online client (e.g. prontera, morocc, prt_fild08, etc.).
:After using the Warp Portal Skill, you can choose to open a warp portal using this command.
:'''''Note.''''' If you specify a map name, that map should exist in the warp list or this command will fail.
;warp list
:After using the Warp Portal Skill, this command lists available warp portals to open.
;weight [<number>]
::- any number.
:Gives a report about your inventory weight.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Display info about current weight.
|align=center|weight <number>
|Calculate how much more items can be carried if the item's weight is equal to the specified number.
;west [<number>]
::- any positive integer.
:Move to the west.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0"
|Move 5 steps west.
|align=center|west <number>
|Move to the west with the specified number of steps.
:Shows your current location.
:Display the number of people on the current server.
:Display your character info and account ID.

Latest revision as of 22:34, 26 April 2021