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Display a list of items that you can sell to a buy/sell NPC.
Note. You must have previously talked to a buy/sell before using this command.

sell (<inventory item list>) [<amount>]
<inventory item list>
- a comma-separated list of corresponding numbers from the inventory item list when you use the i command. Each list item can be a single item number, or a range of item numbers in the form of X-Y (e.g. 1-5). Don't use a space in-between the list items.
- the amount (positive integer).
Add inventory items to your sell list. Use sell done to start selling the items all at once.
The following command will add the item 21 from your inventory to your sell list:
sell 21

The following command will add 50 of each of the items 21, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 51 from your inventory to your sell list:
sell 21,30-33,51 50

Note. If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.

sell list
Display items in your sell list.

sell done
When you have finished adding items to your sell list, use this command to bulk sell everything in your sell list.
Note. You must have previously talked to a buy/sell before using this command.

sell cancel
Clear the sell list.