useSelf skill smartHeal

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useSelf_skill_smartHeal <0|1|2>
Enables auto adjusting skill level when auto using Heal on self or party member to preserve sp.

1 - this old formula: (int(($char->{lv} + $char->{int}) / 8) * (4 + $i * 8)) * $meditatioBonus;

2 - this new Renewal formula: (int(($char->{lv} + $char->{int} + $char->{'int_bonus'}) / 5) * 30) * ($i / 10) * (1 + $meditatioBonus) + ($char->{'attack_magic_min'});


Current HP, Meditatio and mercenary's penalty are used for calculations.



Add useSelf_skill_smartHeal 2: partial renewal formula

Developer Notes

Include Fatal Wounds status, gears with bonus to Heal.